We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.
Everyone is welcome here, and we welcome many points of view as we serve God together discussing with and learning from each other. Unity in diversity is our thing! We live in a changing world, and we are changing with it. We seek to serve God in world and care for each other. Come and join us as we reflect on where we've been and where God is leading us!
No Creed but Christ: We believe in the priesthood of all believers. We read the Bible together and study the Word to understand God in community. Through our study and our traditions, we believe that God can speak to each of us and together through discernment and prayer, we can come to know God's word and leading for us.
COMMUNION: Communion is central to our worship as Disciples of Christ. We share in the Lord's Supper each Sunday, and all believers are welcome at the table. When we share the bread and cup together, through the power of the Holy Spirit, the living Christ is met and received as representative of the body and blood of Jesus. The presence of the living Lord is affirmed and He is proclaimed to be the dominant power in our lives.
Baptism: We practice believer's baptism. When a person is at an age to accept Christ as Lord and Savior, and following their confession of faith, they are baptized by immersion. At Neosho First Christian, we accept the baptism of persons from other denominations into our fellowship whether that was as an infant, or as a child or adult. We proclaim baptism as a public act of the redemptive love of Christ and our resurrection into a new life in Him.
Our Chalice Symbol: The logo of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a red chalice with a white St. Andrew's cross. The chalice represents the centrality of communion to the life of the church. The white cross of St. Andrew is a reminder of the ministry of each person and the importance of evangelism. It also recalls our denomination's Scottish Presbyterian roots.
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1314 Oak Ridge Dr, Neosho, MO 64850 • 417.451.1958